Prep for Autumn wellness
35 Conditions your GP will not prescribe for ! Homeopathy steps up 🌱
The dreaded 100 day cough
Constipation in Children
Life & Death
November Remedy of the month
Remedy of the month
Fresh "Covid" wave plan your response
Why Use Homeopathy
Long Covid Choices
Catch a Corona
4 Tickets remaining for basics class
Periods Stop at Parliament
Adventures in Greece, keeping it local and driving help for #anxiety & stress
Covid secure
How will I be safe ?
During this time of uncertainty, it is best to keep face to face meetings to a minimum unless absolutely required.
Consultations are primarily done via zoom or Whats App video call or telephone call. We will discuss what's best for your situation case by case.
Remedies are posted direct to you or you can collect in a safe non contact way by accessing the box at my address which is disinfected prior to your arrival.